Date and place of birth: 30 September , Abrud ( Alba , Romania )
- High School Graduate from The "HCM" College, Abrud (1999)
- Electrical Engineer from Technical University of Cluj (2004)
- Full time Ph.D. student (2004 - 2009): Department of Electrical Machines, Marketing & Management, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca , Thesis Title:. Claw pole generator for small electric systems Date / place: 6-November-2009 / Technical University of Cluj
Professional experience:
- Part-time Ph.D. student, Department of Electrical Machines, Marketing & Management, Technical University of Cluj (2004 - 2007 ). Supervisor: K. Biro .
- Assistant Lecture,, Department of Electrical Machines, Marketing & Management, Technical University of Cluj (2007)
Research interests :
- Magnetic field computation of electrical machines: analytical approach (equivalent reluctances magnetic circuit, vector potential method, finite element method)
- Permanent synchronous machine
- Modeling electrical machines
- Electromechanical systems
Special skills:
- Programming environments: Matlab/SIMULINK, FLUX, SPEED, MathCad, LabVIEW
- General CAD: AutoCAD ,
Project manager
- Micro power plants that use alternative energy source, National Education Ministry, National Council of the Scientific University Research, Grant TD, cod CNCSIS 518, 2007-2008.
in number of 25 where:
-1 handbooks
- 24 articles
I-A. Viorel, D. Fodorean, F. Jurca : Special Electrical Machines- Laboratory tests , 2007 (in Romanian), ISBN: 978-973-713-183-6.
[1] C. Martis, H. Hedesiu, B. Tataranu, C. Oprea, F, Jurca - " Electrical machines virtual laboratory-using LabVIEW for parameter estimation of a transformer, publicata în volumul conferintei E_COMM_LINE, Bucuresti, Octombrie 21-21, 2004, pe CD, 59-C5-63-2004, ISBN 973-0-03671-3.
[2] C. Oprea, F, Jurca, B. Tataranu, C. Martis, H. Hedesiu - "Parameter estimation of a transformer in a electrical machines virtual laboratory using LabVIEW" publicata în Acta ELECTROTEHNICA 2005, ISSN: 1223-2106, pp 158-161.
[3] C. Martis, F. Jurca, C. Oprea, C. Nicula, K. Biro - "Harmonics analysis in renewable energy sources based on induction and synchronous generators" MICROCAD 2006, Miskolc, Hungary, pp 41-47.
[4] C. Martis, F. Jurca, H. Hedesiu, K. Biro - "Analytical description of the wound rotor induction generator frequency response for diagnosis purpose" MICROCAD 2006, Miskolc , Hungary , pp 47-53.
[5] C. Oprea, C. Martis, K. Biro, F. Jurca - "Comparative study of two topologies of liniear electrical generatorsuitable for wave energy conversion" Buletinul Universitatii Petrol-Gaze Din Ploiesti Seria Technica, ISSN 1224-8495, pp169-175, 2006.
[6] C. Nicula, C. Martis , F Jurca - " Electrical machines virtual laboratory the unbalanced operation regime of the three-phase induction motor" Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Sectiunea Electrotehnica, ISSN: 1841-7213, pp 86-92, 2006.
[7]C. Martis, H. Hedesiu, L. Szabo, B. Tataranu, F. Jurca, C. Oprea - " Electrical machines virtual laboratory: grid connection of a synchronous generator ", Proceedings of the 12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE PEMC '2006), Portoroz (Slovenia)
[8] F. Jurca , C. Martis, C. Oprea, K. Biro - "Claw-Poles Machines in the Power Systems based on Renewable Resources," Internationale Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Motion (PCIM), Nürnberg (Germany), 2006, CD 123_PP_64_Jurca.pdf,
[9] C. Nicula, C. Martis , F Jurca, H. Hedesiu, K. Biro - " Field harmonics of a squirrel cage induction machine" MicroCAD 2007, Miskolc, Ungaria, pp 41-46. ISBN: 978 963 661 751 6
[10] F. Jurca , C. Martis, C.Nicula, K. Biro - "Magnetic field analysis in a claw-pole synchronous generator for wind conversion systems", MICROCAD-2007, Miskolc , Hungary .
[11] F. Jurca , C. Martis, E. Trifu, K.Biro - " Permanent magnet claw-pole synchronous generators behavior in wind conversion- "Internationale Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Motion (PCIM), Nürnberg 2007, Nurnberg, Germany, pe CD.
[12] F. Jurca , I. Birou, C.Martis - " Finite element magnetic field analysis of a claw- pole synchronous generators for wind conversion systems" ISEF'-Praga 2007, pp: 61- 63,
[13] Szabo L, K.A.Biro, C. Cosmina, F. Jurca - " Useful simulation tool for induction generators used in wind power plants " International Conference on Clean Electrical Power, ICCEP, Capri, 2007, pp 574-579 si pe CD: B331.pdf. ISBN: 1-4244-0632-3.
[14] Szabo L, K.A.Biro, C. Cosmina, F. Jurca -" Simulation of wind turbine driven autonomous squirrel cage induction generators Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES' 2007), Budapesta (Ungaria) pp.213-218, ISBN: 1-4244-1147-5.
[15] F. Jurca , C. Martis, K. Biro - " Claw-pole generator analysis using Flux 3D " International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, SPEEDAM, Ischia , Iunie 2008, pp1286-1291, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1664-6 .
[16] F. Jurca, C.Martis, I. Birou, K. Biro - "Analysis of a claw-pole synchronous machine for wind power conversion module" International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2008, Portugalia, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1736-0.
[17] F. Jurca , C. Martis, I. Birou , K. Biro - " Analysis of permanent magnet claw-pole synchronous machine " Optim 2008, Brasov, Romania, pp 75-80, ISBN: 978-973-131-030-5.
[18] F. Jurca , C. Martis, K. Biro - "Finite element analysis in a new claw-pole topology synchronous gnereator for wind conversion systems", MicroCAD 2008, Miskolc , pp 25-30, ISBN: 978-963-661-821-6.
[19] F. Jurca , C. Martis, K. Biro - "Magnetic materials influence on the performance of a claw-pole synchronous generator for wind systems" Internationale Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Motion (PCIM), Nürnberg 2008, pe CD.
[20] F. Jurca , C. Martis, K. Biro - "Synchronous generator for wind conversion systems" MicroCAD 2009, Miskolc , pp39-43, ISBN 978-963-661-866-7 .
[21] F. Jurca , C. Martis, K. Biro - "Claw-pole generators in small wind-power " Internationale Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Motion (PCIM), Nürnberg 2009, pe CD .
[22] F. Jurca , C. Martis, K. Biro - "Comparative analysis of the claw-pole rotor dimension influence on the performances of a claw-pole generator for wind application International Conference on Clean Electrical Power , ICCEP, Capri, 2009, pp 715-720 ,
[23] F. Jurca , C. Martis, K. Biro - "Claw-pole synchronous generator optimization topology" International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields (ISEF), Arras 2009, pe CD, ISBN 978-2-84832-115-8 .
[24] F. Jurca , C. Martis, K. Biro - " On the improvement of claw-pole generator performances International Symposium on Electrical Engineering and Energy Converters " Suceava 2009, pp45-48, ISSN 2066-835X .
Languages: English, French