Date and place of birth: 19 th August 1967, Macin, Tulcea ( Romania )
1981-1985 Industrial High School Macin, Tulcea
1985-1990 Technical University Of Cluj-Napoca , Electrical Engineering
Professional experience:
1990-1996 -Engineer at SINTEROM SA Cluj-Napoca ;
1993-1996 - Engineer at Dania Comprod SRL
1996 - Assistant at the Department of Electrical Machines, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca ;
2002 - Lecturer at the Department of Electrical Machines, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
2006 - Associated Professor at the Department of Electrical Machines, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca;
2009 - Professor at the Department of Electrical Machines, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca.
Professional activities
Scholarships/fellowships/ international mobility programs:
1999 -
- mobility in the frame of Erasmus-Socrates program at the University of Technology Helsinki, Finland; Course on "Electric Traction drives with inverter-fed three-phase induction motors", Lecturers: Mircea M. Radulescu, Claudia Martis;
2000 - mobility in the frame of Erasmus-Socrates program at the University of Cassino, Italy;
2003 - Visiting professor at Ecole Superieure d'Ingenieurs en Electrotechnique et Electronique, Amiens, France;
2004 - Visiting professor at University Picardie "Jules Verne", Amiens , France (teaching a course on Electrical Machines );
2008 - Visiting professor at Ecole Superieure d'Ingenieurs en Electrotechnique et Electronique, Amiens, France (teaching a course on Electromagnetic Compatibility Machines;
2009 - Visiting professor at Universite Libre de Bruxelles (research on switched reluctance machines for automotive applications)
Research stages:
1998 - 2 months research stage at the Laboratory of Electrical Machines and Power electronics, University of Ghent , Belgium concerning doubly salient permanent magnet machines
1999 - 2 weeks research stage at the Laboratory of Electrical Machines and Power electronics, University of Ghent , Belgium concerning doubly salient permanent magnet machines
1999 - 3 weeks research stage at the Laboratory of, Akron University , USA concerning doubly salient permanent magnet machines
2001-2002 - 7 moths postdoc research stage at CREA, University Picardie "Jules Verne", Amiens, France, concerning Condition monitoring and diagnosis in electrical machines.
Title : " Contribution on the study of the electronically autocommutated doubly salient permanent magnet motors "
Advanced numerical control equipments for electromechanical systems
Maintenance in industrial systems
Flexible manufacturing systems
Research interests:
Design, modelling and simulation of the electrical machines
Electric traction drives
Electronically commutated small machines
Electromagnetic compatibility in electromechanical systems
Electromechanical systems in automotive industry.
Research projects:
International research projects:
Team member:
National Science Foundation (USA) Inte Design and development of doubly-salient permanent-magnet machines and drives International Research Program, Grant No. ECS-9702370, 1999, - Romanian project manager: M.M. Radulescu
Direct stator-flux and torque / thrust control of three-phase inverter-fed rotating / linear AC motor drives for industrial and traction applications - Joint Research Project No. 33 / 2000 between Universita degli Studi di Cassino and technical University of Cluj-Napoca in the frame of the Bilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation (BSTC) Romania - Italy; Romanian project manager: M.M. Radulescu
Condition monitoring of linear and rotational electrical machines drives by means of advanced data processing instruments, Joint research project in the framework of the Joint Hungarian - Romanian intergovernmental S&T cooperation program (2006-2007), nr. C18001/09.01.2006, director de program Szabo Lorand .
Model-based diagnosis of induction machine, Joint research project in the framework of the Joint Hungarian - Romanian intergovernmental S&T cooperation program (2006-2007), nr. C18001/09.01.2006. 2006-2007, Project manager: B iró Károly .
Advanced control and diagnosis for linear and rotational electromechanical actuators for industrial systems , Joint research project in the framework of the Joint Hungarian - Romanian intergovernmental S&T cooperation program (2008-2009), nr. 27/09.06.2008, Project manager: Szabo Lorand .
National research projects
Team member:
Comparative study of the electric drives with bi-phased induction, PM brushless DC and ultrasonic small motors fed by bi-phased inverter . National Education Ministry, National Council of the Scientific University Research, C7003 20/406 1997 and 53/1998 Project manager: M.M. Radulescu
Theoretical and experimental study of the doubly salient permanent magnet small motors: National Education Ministry, National Council of the Scientific University Research no.39/1999, cod 318, Project manager: M.M. Radulescu
Energy-efficient electric drives , National Education Ministry, National Council of the Scientific University Research, no. 23/1998, Project manager: Biró K.Á.
Intelligent and energy-efficient electric drives with real-time control , National Education Ministry, National Council of the Scientific University Research, no. 39/1998, Project manager: Imecs Maria .
DSP control of doubly-salient permanent magnet and variable reluctance ; National Education Ministry, National Council of the Scientific University Research, no. 39970/2001, Project manager: M.M. Radulescu .
Water treatment station control and condition monitoring, National Education Ministry, National Council of the Scientific University Research, no. 8/232, 2001, Project manager: H. Hedesiu
Real time algorithms for induction machine speed estimation, through virtual instrumentation, National Education Ministry, National Council of the Scientific University Research, no. 6113/ 2000, Project manager: H. Hedesiu
Internet remote controlfor electrical machines, National Education Ministry, National Council of the Scientific University Research, through World Bank, Project manager: H. Hedesiu
Direct torque control of doubly salient permanent magnet small motors, National Education Ministry, National Council of the Scientific University Research, no. 1116/2002, Project manager: M.M. Radulescu .
Electromagnetic torque real time estimator for a.c. electrical machines, National Education Ministry, National Council of the Scientific University Research, no. 37118/2002, Project manager: Biró K.Á.
Electrical machines testing set-up , Infrastructure development Grant National Education Ministry, National Council of the Scientific University Research, no. 357/2002, Project manager: Biró K.Á.
Pocket PC mobile architectures for electrical machines analysis and diagnosis, National Education Ministry, National Council of the Scientific University Research, no. 33531/2002, Project manager: H. Hedesiu
Condition monitoring, diagnosis, testing and control mobile systems for electromechanical converters , National Education Ministry, National Council of the Scientific University Research, no. 33385/2004, Project manager: Biró K.Á.
Fault tolerant equipments with biological-model based electronic control architectures, National Project Management Center , /2008, Project manager: Csaba Szasz .
Project manager:
Analysis of electrical drives with doubly salient permanent magnet small electrical machines, National Education Ministry, National Council of the Scientific University Research, no. 6113/ 2000.
Analysis of electromagnetic interferences in electrical drives with doubly salient permanent magnet small electrical machines, National Education Ministry, National Council of the Scientific University Research, no. 33531/ 2002.
Advanced electrical drives for fault tolerant electrical assisted steering systems, National Education Ministry, National Council of the Scientific University Research, no. 1577/ 2007.
Rapid prototyping, testing and diagnosis platform for electrical machines, equipments and drives , National Authority for Scientific Research, 109/2007.
Efficiency and impact improvement of the Rapid prototyping, testing and diagnosis platform for electrical machines, equipments and drives , National Authority for Scientific Research, 110/2007.