Published textbooks and books (11)
Scientific works published in refereed Romanian journals, universities annals or equivalents (21)
Scientific works published in refereed proceedings of Romanian national conferences (29)
Scientific works published in refereed proceedings of International conferences (32)
Patachi, N., Babes, V., Dragomir, N., Munteanu, R., Biró, K., Iancu, V. , Novac, E., Simion, E., Mindru, Gh., Gligor, D.: Electrotechnical and Electrical Machines Laboratory Tests (In Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Publishing House, Romania,, 1970, 246 pages.
Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V.: General Electrotechnics. Laboratory Tests (In Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Publishing House, Romania, 1973, 53 pages.
Iancu, V.: Electrical machines and devices fabrication technology (In Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Publishing House, Romania, 1979, 256 pages.
Biró, K.,Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V. , Radulescu, M.M.: Testing Electrical Transformers (In Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Publishing House, Romania, 1983, 77 pages.
Radulescu, M.M., Iancu, V. , Viorel, I.A., Biró, K.: Computer-Aided Design Technique for Proportional Electromagnets , ch.6 in vol. " Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical Engineering ", Plenum Press, New-York, 1988, pp. 275-278.
Iancu, V. , Radulescu, M.M., Papusoiu, Gh.: Electrical Traction (In Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Publishing House, Romania, 1989, 209 pages.
Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V. : Electrical Machines and Drives (In Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Publishing House, Romania, 1990, 382 pages.
Iancu, V. , Biró, K., Viorel, I.A., Radulescu, M.M., Hedesiu, H.: Electrical Machines Laboratory Tests for Electrotechnics Specialization (In Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Publishing House, Romania, 1994, 93 pages.
Iancu, V. , Biró, K., Viorel, I.A., Radulescu, M.M., Hedesiu, H.: Electrical Machines Laboratory Tests for Automatics and Applied Electronics Specializations (In Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Publishing House, Romania, 1994, 48 pages.
Câmpeanu, A., Iancu, V. , Radulescu, M.M.: Machines in Electrical Drives (In Romanian), Scrisul Românesc Publishing House, Craiova, Romania, 1996, 385 pages.
Iancu, V. , D. Spoiala, V. Spoiala, N. Maghiar: Electrical Machines - Laboratory Tests (in Romanian), University of Oradea, 2002.Scientific works published in refereed Romanian journals, universities annals or equivalents :
Crisan, A., Biró, K., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V. : Variable speed and frequency special synchronous machine (In Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol.13, part III, 1970, (Electrical engineering), p.123-129.
Crisan, A., Biró, K., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V. : Unsymmetrical supply protecting device of squirrel cage induction motors (In Romanian), Idem, p.129-133.
Crisan, A., Viorel, I.A., Biró, K., Iancu, V. : Rotating brushes commutator type machine operating as induction motor (In Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol.14, part III, 1971, (Electrical engineering), p.99-102.
Iancu, V. , Herbert, T., Scheider, R.: On the linear motors design (In Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol.17, 1974, (Electrical engineering), p.57.
Crisan, A., Biró, K., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V. : Some aspects on the high frequency induction motor design (In Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol.18, 1975, , p.54-55.
Iancu,V., Biró,K., Viorel,I.A., Ignat,I.: Researches on single phase capacitor linear induction motor , Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol.20, 1977, pp.29-35.
Iancu, V. : Primary MMF repartition on two-phase linear motor for different types of windings (In Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol.21, 1978, p.40.
Iancu, V. : Winding type influence on the one-phase linear machine's magnetic field distribution (In Romanian), News in Informatics and Drives Journal, vol.II, 1979, p.54.
Grosanu, L., Iancu, V. : Urban transport optimization in Cluj-Napoca (In Romanian), "Technical and scientifical activity of younger" Journal, Cluj-Napoca, 1981, p.113.
Radulescu, M.M., Viorel, I.A., Biró, K., Iancu, V : Permanent-Magnet Modeling in Finite-Element Field Analysis of Electrical Machines (In Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol.26, 1983, p.49-54.
Radulescu, M.M., Iancu, V. , Viorel, I.A., Biró, K.: Iterative calculus of an electromagnet static characteristic (In Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol.28, 1985, p.33-40.
Comsa, D., Viorel, I.A., Maghiar, T., Leuca, T., Iancu, V. , Ignat, I.: The analysis of the cylindrical billets induction heating (In Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol.29, 1986, Part III (Electrical engineering), p.7-11.
Comsa, D., Viorel, I.A., Maghiar, T., Iancu, V. , Leuca, T.: Computer simulation of the cylindrical billets induction heating (In Romanian), Technical University of Cluj Scientific Journal, vol.32, 1989, part III (Electrical engineering), p. 5-10.
Iancu, V. , Viorel, I.A., Biró, K., Radulescu, M.M., Hedesiu, H.: On the two phase linear induction motor of disk armature type (In Romanian), University of Oradea Scientific Journal, 1992, vol.II, p.165-172.
Muresan, P., Biró, K., Iancu, V. , Radulescu, M.M., Hedesiu, H.: Electronic Voltage Control for DC Brushless Motor (In Romanian), University of Oradea Scientific Journal, 1994, p. 413.
Hedesiu, H., Radulescu, M.M., Iancu, V. , Biró, K., Muresan, P. PC-Based Data Acquisition System for DC Brushless Motor Drives (In Romanian), University of Oradea Scientific Journal, 1994, p. 357.
Radu Mihaela, Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V. : On an Equivalent Magnetic Circuit Developed for a Claw-Pole Type Armature , Technical University of Iasi, vol. XLI (XLV)/5, 1995, p.45.
Iancu, V. , Micu, D., Micu, D.D.: Starting diagram for single-phase motor (in Romanian), Acta Electrotehnica, vol. 4/2, Number L, 2001.
Popa, D.C. , Iancu, V. , Viorel, I.A. : A Comparison between Different Transverse Flux Motor Variants , Oradea University Annals, Electrotechnical Fascicle, 2005, pp. 162-165, ISSN: 1223-2106.
Iancu, V. , Hedesiu, H., Popa, D.C., Tataranu, B., Gutman, M., Bíró K.Á. : The Unbalanced Operating Regime of the Three Phase Induction Motor, Noise and Vibration Source , Oradea University Annals, Electrotechnical Fascicle, 2005, pp.142-145, ISSN: 1223-2106.
Popa, D.C. , Iancu, V. , Viorel, I.A., Szabó, L. : C.A.D. of Linear Transverse Flux Motors , Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iasi, Tome LI ( LV , Fasc. 5, Electrotechnics, Energetics, Electronics, 2005, pp. 79-84. ISSN: 1223-8139. ( download )
Scientific works published in refereed proceedings of Romanian national conferences :
Crisan, A., Simion, E., Iancu, V. , Biró, K., Viorel, I.A.: On the steady-state regime of the feroresonant single phase induction motor (In Romanian), Proceedings of the Technical University of Cluj Scientific Conference, 1971, p.459-461.
Lungu, S., Iancu, V. : Electrical motor's overload protection (In Romanian), Proceedings of the Technical University of Cluj Scientific Conference, 1971, p.481.
Moldovan, V., Crisan, A., Iancu, V. , Biró, K., Viorel, I.A., Necrelescu, I., Szilagyi, Cs.: Hammers driving with linear electric motors (In Romanian), Proceedings of the Technical University of Cluj Scientific Conference, 1978, p.38.
Moldovan, V., Crisan, A., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V. , Biró, K., Necrelescu, I., Szilagyi, Cs.: Drop hammer drive linear motor design (In Romanian), Idem , p.45-47.
Moldovan,V., Crisan,A., Iancu,V., Viorel,I.A., Biró,K., Necrelescu,I., Szilagyi,C.: Drop hammer drive linear motor control hardware (In Romanian), Idem, p.48-52.
Crisan, A., Iancu, V. , Biró, K., Necrelescu, I., Szilagyi, Cs.: Test bench results obtained on a sample drop hammer driven by a linear induction motor (In Romanian), Idem, p.53-58.
Moldovan, V., Crisan, A., Viorel, I.A., Biró, K., Iancu, V. , Necrelescu, I., Szilagyi.: Researches on the choosing mode for the linear induction motor of a drop hammer electrical drive (In Romanian), Idem, p.29-32.
Iancu, V. : The influence of the armature winding's parameters on the forces developed by the one-phase linear motor with capacitor (In Romanian), Idem, p.3.
Szilagyi, Cs., Iancu, V. ,Biró, K.,Viorel, I.A., Panoiu, I.: Power electronic switch with thyristors to supply induction motors (In Romanian), Idem, vol. EIV, p.38-42.
Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V. , Biró, K.: A Method to Establish Optimum Design Data for a Linear Induction Motor Driving a Drop Hammer , Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Electrical Drives, 16-17 May 1980, p.C.107-C110.
Viorel,I.A., Biró,K., Iancu, V. , Radulescu,M.M.: On a textile industry specific application of a synchronously operating induction wound rotor motors (In Romanian), Proceedings of the First National Conference on Electrical Engineering, Timisoara, Romania, 1982, part 6 (Electric Drives), p.227-235.
Iancu,V. , Biró,K., Viorel,I.A., Radulescu,M.M.: On the starting regime of the two-phase linear induction motor (In Romanian), Idem, p.115-120.
Viorel,I.A, Biró,K., Iancu,V., Radulescu,M.M.: Eddy current coupling with improving starting and braking dynamics (In Romanian) Proceedings of the Conference on Electrical Machines, 1982 (COMEP'82) Pitesti, Romania, p.103-109.
Viorel, I.A., Biró, K., Iancu, V. , Radulescu, M.M. On the Microprocessor-Based Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) Speed Control of Induction Motor Drives , Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Electrical Drives, 28-30 May, Brasov, 1982, p.C-49-54.
Palaghita, N., Biró, K., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V. : SCR Switch for a Linear Induction Motor Drop Hammer Drive , Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Electrical Drives, 28-30 May, 1982, p.B-91.
Viorel,I.A, Biró,K., Iancu,V., Radulescu,M.M.: Computing induction machine iron core saturation and losses via a step by step procedure (In Romanian), Proceedings of the Conference on Electrical Machines, 1983 (COMEP'83) Pitesti, Romania, p.180-187.
Biró,K., Viorel,I.A, Iancu,V., Radulescu,M.M.: Inverter fed induction machine starting and plugging transients (In English and Romanian), Proceedings of the National Symposium on the Electrical Machines Supplied from a Power Electronic Converter, Bucuresti 1983, p. 275-282.
Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V. , Biró, K., Radulescu, M.M.: The slot openings influence on the squirrel cage induction machine air gap field harmonics (In Romanian), Proceedings of the National Symposium on the Electrical Machines Designing and Manufacturing, Timisoara ,1984, vol.1, p.27-34.
Biró, K., Kovacs, Z., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V. , Radulescu, M.M.: Permanent-magnet d.c. servomotor, design and test results (In Romanian), Proceedings of the National Symposium on the Electrical Machines designing and Manufacturing, Timisoara, 1984, vol. 2, p. 261-265.
Viorel, I.A., Biró, K., Iancu, V. , Radulescu, M.M.: Induction machine torque-speed characteristic computation taking magnetic field harmonics into account (In Romanian), Proceedings of the Conference on Electrical Machines, 1984 (COMEP'84) Pitesti, Romania, p. 53-59.
Iancu, V. , Trifa, V.: Phase control of a two-phases linear servomotor with disc induced armature (In Romanian), Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Electrical Drives, vol. I, Craiova, 1984, p.83.
Iancu, V. , Biró, K., Viorel, I.A., Radulescu, M.M.: On Speed Control of Two-Phase Linear Motor Drives , Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Electrical Drives, vol. I, Craiova, 1984, p. A97-A102.
Iancu, V. , Biró K., Viorel, I.A., Radulescu, M.M.: Results on SCR Switch Control of a Linear Motor Drives , Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Electrical Drives, Craiova, 1984, p.143-148.
Iancu, V. , Biró K., Viorel, I.A., Radulescu, M.M.: Analyse des statischen Verhaltens Mancher elektromecanischen Wandler fur Proportional-hydraulik, Proceedings of the Symposium on Sensors and Measurements, Cluj 1986, vol. I., p.138-141.
Iancu, V. , Biró, K.A., Palaghita, N., Viorel, I.A., Radulescu, M.M.: Results on SCR Switch Control of a Linear Induction Motor-Driven Drop Hammer , Proceedings of the 6-th National Conference on Electrical Drives, Timisoara, 1988, p.4.47-4.52..
Biró, K., Viorel, I.A., Ignat, I., Iancu, V. : Computer modeling of the synchronous machine starting process (In Romanian), Proceedings of the Symposium on Electrical Machines Asocieted with Static Converters, 1989.
Radulescu, M.M., Biró, K., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V. , Hedesiu, H.: High-Speed Torque Control of Brushless Permanent-Magnet Motors for Traction Drives , Proceedings of the 8 th National Conference on Electrical Drives, Iasi, 1992, vol. I, p. A6/1-6.
Biró, K., Iancu, V. , Viorel, I.A.: Induction machine parameters estimation using catalog data (In Romanian), Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium on Electrical Machines and Drives, Timisoara, 2000, p.47-51.
Catana, Doina , Catana, Gh.A., Iancu, V. : Communication, a major function of an entrepreneurial university, Higher Education in Romania and EUNET project 2005 , British Council, Romania, 2005.
Scientific works published in refereed proceedings of International conferences :
Viorel, I.A., Biró, K., Iancu, V.: Field-Harmonic Theory of Squirrel-Cage Motor Taking Slot Openings into Account , Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Machines, Budapest, 5-9 September, 1982, p. GT 1/5-17.
Viorel, I.A., Biró, K., Iancu, V. , Radulescu, M.M., Oancea, C.: Salient-Pole Reluctance Machine Field Analysis by Finite-Difference Method , Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloguium, 24-28 oktober 1983, T.H.Ilmenau, D.D.R., Heft 2 Vortagsrei-her A4, p. 27-29.
Radulescu,M.M., Viorel,I.A., Biró,K., Iancu,V., Stoia,D.: Finite-element transient field analysis of permanent-magnet d.c. machines , Proceedings of International Magnetics Conference 1984, Hamburg, p. 292.
Mindru, G., Biró, K., Iancu, V. , Radulescu, M.M.: Analyse des Magnetfeldes von Asynchronmaschinen mit der Methode Finiter Elemente , Wissenscaftliche Konferenz, T.H. Dresden, 1984, p. 59-61.
Viorel, I.A., Radulescu, M.M., Iancu, V. , Biró, K., Mindru, G.: Nonlinear Magnetic Field Analysis of Induction Machines at Locked Condition , Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Machines, Laussane, 18-21 september, 1984, p.169-172.
Iancu, V. , Viorel, I.A., Biró, K., Radulescu, M.M.: Travelling and Pulsating Fields in Two-Phase Linear Induction Machines , Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Machines, Laussane, 18-21 september, 1984, p.505-508.
Viorel, I.A., Ignat, I., Biró, K., Iancu, V. , Radulescu, M.M.: Processing Routines for Finite-Element Analysis of Anisotropic and Nonlinear Electric Fields , Internationales Wiesenschaffliches Kolloquium, Ilmenau, 29 oct.-2 nov., 1984, p.105-107.
Radulescu, M.M., Viorel,I.A., Biró,K., Iancu,V .: Two-dimensional finite element modeling of anisotropic ferrite magnet machines . Digest of Summaries of the 5th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Fort-Collins, 1985, p.168-171.
Iancu, V. , Trifa, V.: Phase Control of a Disc-Armature Linear Two-Phase Servomotor, Proceedings of the First Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Bruxelles, 16-18 oct. 1985, p.I.195.
Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V. , Radulescu, M.M.: Combined Field-Circuit Model for Induction Machine Performance Analysis , Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Machines, Munchen, vol.II, 1986, p.476-479.
Viorel, I.A., Topa, M., Radulescu, M.M., Iancu, V. , Kovacs, Z., Ivan, M.: Comparative Field Analysis Approach in the Computer-Aided Design of Sawyer Linear Motors , Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Machines, Beijing, China, 10-14 aug., 1987, p.118-121.
Iancu, V. , Biró, K., Palaghita, N., Viorel, I.A., Radulescu, M.M.; SCR Switch Control a Linear Induction Motor Driven Drop Hammer , Proceedings of the Second Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Grenoble, France, 1987, vol.2, p.1197-1200.
Radulescu, M.M., Iancu, V. , Viorel, I.A., Biró, K.: Computer-Aided Design Technique for Proportional Electromagnets , Proceedings of International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields on Electrical Engineering, Pavia, Italy, 1987, p.287-290.
Viorel, I.A., Radulescu, M.M., Iancu, V. : Dynamic Modeling of Inverter-Fed Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors , Proceedings of International Conference on the Evolution and Modern Aspects of Synchronous Machines, Zurich, 1991, Biró K.Á., p.229-233.
Radulescu, M.M., Biró, K., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V. : Torque Control of Rectangular-Fed Brushless Permanent-Magnet Motors for Electric Vehicle Propulsion , Proccedings of the 11-th International Electric Vehicle Symposium, Florence, Italy, 27-30 Sept. 1992, p.16-23.
Radulescu, M.M., Iancu, V. , Biró, K., Hedesiu, H.: Design and Control Considerations for Slotless Electronically-Commutated Permanent-Magnet Servomotors , Proceedings of the 7-th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON, Antalya, Turkey, 12-14 April 1994, p.1302-1305.
Radulescu, M.M., Biró, K., Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V. : Field Analysis of Slotless Permanent-Magnet DC Servomotors with Electronic Commutation , Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM'94, Paris, France, Vol. 2, 5-8 sept. 1994, p. 602-604.
Iancu,V. , Biró,K., Hedesiu,H., Biró,Z., Salamon.F., Gergely,S.: On the Energetic Behavior of PWM Inverter-Fed Induction Machines , Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Advanced Electromechanical Motion Control Systems, Electromotion'95, 25-26 May 1995, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, p.112-115.
Biró, K., Radulescu, M.M., Iancu, V. , Hedesiu, H., Biró, Z.: A Microcomputer-Based Two-Phase PWM Inverter-Fed Induction Motor Drive , Proceedings of the 5-th International Conference on Optimization of Electric and Electronic Equipments, OPTIM'96, 15-17 May 1996, Brasov, Romania, p. 1523-1528.
Biró, K., Radulescu, M.M., Iancu, V. , Biró, Z., Hedesiu, H.: PC-Based Control System for Two-phase Asynchronous Servomotor , Proceedings of the International Power Electronics & Motion Control Conference, PEMC'96, 3-5 September 1996, Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 2, p. 402-407.
Radu Mihaela, Viorel, I.A., Iancu, V. , Karaisas, P.: Scaling on models of the large synchronous generators (In Romanian), Proceedings of SIELMEC, Vol.I, Chisinau, Moldova, 1997, p.153-156.
Iancu, V. , Radu Mihaela: High-Power Transformers Study Using Omotetic Models , Proceedings of MICROCAD '1999, Miskolc, Hungary, 1999.
Iancu, V. , Radu Mihaela: Two-phases linear motor's windings and magnetic fields , Proceedings of SIELMEC, Chisinau, vol. I., 1999, p.71-74.
Iancu,V., Viorel,I.A., Chisu Ioana, Radu Mihaela: Applications of linear motors on cynematic axes drives , Proceedings of SIELMEC, Chisinau, vol. I., 1999, p.295-298.
Biró, K.A., Viorel, I.A. , Iancu, V. : Induction machine parameter estimation . Proceedings of MICROCAD '2000, Miskolc, Hungary, vol. F (Electrotechnics-Electronics), pp. 13-18.
Iancu, V. , Micu D., Micu D.D.: Starting diagram for single-phase motor, International Conference , May 2001, Chisinau, Moldova.
T. Canta, D. Sabadus, D. Frunza, Iancu, V. : Friction Assisted Technique for PM Extrusion , Proceedings of the 2002 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, pp. 4-76-4.71.
A. Câmpeanu, M. Badica, Iancu, V. : Direct torque and flux control of saturated induction machines , Proceedings of the 6 th International Symposium on Advanced Electromechanical Motion Systems (ELECTROMOTION '2005), Lausanne ( Switzerland ), on CD, paper OS2-2, ISSN: 1223-057X.
Popa, D.C. , Iancu, V. , Viorel,I.A. : On the Transverse Flux Linear Motor Design, Proceedings of the 5 th International Conference on Electromechanical and Power System (SIELMEN '2005), Chisinau (Rep. Moldova), 2005, vol. 2, pp. 800-803, ISBN: 973-716-230-7.
Szabó, L., Popa, D.C., Iancu, V. , Kovács, E., Tóth, F.: 3D FEM Models of Linear Electrical Machines Used in Fault Detection Studies , Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference MicroCAD '2006, Miskolc (Hungary), Section J (Electrotehnics and Electronics), pp. 89-94. ISBN: 963-661-710-4. ( download )
Szabó, L., Popa, D.C., Iancu, V. , Kovács, E., Tóth, F.: On the Usefulness of Simulation in Designing a Permanent Magnet Modular Surface Motor for Advanced Mechatronic Systems , Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM '2006), Budapest (Ungaria), 2006, pp. 88-93. ISBN: 1-4244-9712-6. ( download )