Skip menuRESEARCH - SZABÓ Loránd
Research interests
- Variable reluctance machines
- Fault tolerant electrical machines
- Linear and surface stepper motors (link)
- Condition monitoring and diagnosis of electrical machines
- Totally 273 publications:
5 books and 3 book chapters
10 papers in Web of Science indexed journals
54 papers in refereed journals
109 papers in proceedings of international conferences
57 papers in proceedings of national and not refereed conferences
26 papers in university annals
9 other publicationsDetailed list of publications: in Romanian
Research projects
- Project manager for 10 research grants (4 in international cooperation, 5 national projects and 1 industrial project) and supervisor of 2 student research grants
- Member in 5 research teams working on international projects
- Member in research teams of 30 national research projects
- Member in 17 research teams working on research projects for industry
Detailed list of research projects: in Romanian (download
- Clarivate Web of Science (formerly Thomson Reuters Web of Science, ISI Web of Knowledge): 101 papers cited 599 times (h-index=11)
- SCOPUS: 93 papers cited 999 times (h-index=15)
- Google Scholar: 255 papers cited 2121 times (h-index=22)
Detailed list of citations: in Romanian (download
Research patents
- 1 patent (link)
Research awards
- 10 awards (link)