CATANA Gheorghe Alexandru


Books, textbooks :

Catana A .: Strategic Marketing, Strategic fundaments of marketing mix, 1 st volume, Product, Price and Distribution (in Romanian), UT Press Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 1999, ISBN 973-9471-21-8

Catana A .: Strategic Marketing, Strategic fundaments of marketing mix, 2 nd volume, Communication (in Romanian), UT Press Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 1999, ISBN 973-9471-22-6

Catana A .: Marketing policies, 1 st volume (in Romanian), D. Cantemir Publishing House, Târgu-Mures, ISBN 973-98395-9-2

Catana A .: Marketing policies, 2 st volume (in Romanian), D. Cantemir Publishing House, Târgu-Mures, ISBN 973-98395-9-2

Catana A ., Catana D.: Price policies (in Romanian), GIL Publishing House, Zalau,1997, ISBN 973-9238-26-2

Catana D., Catana A .: Marketing research (in Romanian), D.Cantemir Publishing House, Târgu-Mures , 1997, ISBN 973-98108-6-1

Catana D., C atana A : Aspects of transformation of corporate cultures in Romania , in Wandel von Unternchmenstkulturen in Ostdeutschland und Osteuropa , editor Lang, R, Rainer Hampp Verlag, 1996

Catana A .: Marketing (in Romanian), 2 volumes, Polytechnic Institute of Cluj Publishing House, 1992, 1993.

Catana A , Mânduc I.L., Kovács Z.: Industrial Management - Case Studies , Polytechnic Institute of Cluj Publishing House, 1991

Articles, studies published in economic Romanian and foreign reviews:

Catana D, Catana A : Managerial Culture Between the Globalisation's Challenges and Managerial Education Drama in Romania , Rainer Hampp Verlag, Journal for East European Management Studies, vol. 5, nr.3/2000

Catana A , Catana D: Romanian Cultural Background and its Relevance for Cross-Cultural Management , Rainer Hampp Verlag, Journal for East European Management Studies, Vol. 4, Number 3, 1999, ISSN 0949-6181, pp. 252-258

Catana D, Catana A , Finlay J.L: Managerial Resistance to Change: Romania's Quest for a Market Economy , Rainer Hampp Verlag, Journal for East European Management Studies, Vol. 4, Number 2, 1999, ISSN 0949-6181, pp. 149-164

Catana A , Catana D: Higher Education's Marketing (in Romanian), Economie teoretica si aplicata, supplement of the Economistul, nr. 88, 1 June 1998, pp. I- IV

Catana D, Catana A: The lesson Romanians should learn; Economic Growth starts on Main Street, not on Wall Street (in Romanian), Economistul, nr. 174, 4-5 September 1998, p. 1

Catana A , Catana D.: The Romanians' cultural matrix from modern management perspective (in Romanian), Tribuna economica nr. 42/1996, pp. 59-60, nr. 43, 1996, pp. 63-264

Catana A ,